Crow Family Happenings

Thursday, March 6, 2008


The kids are in baseball this year. Mrs Froggie has this need to register our kids to do stuff. I don't see it, but oh well. So I now have three baseball practice schedules to drive the kids to. And I do mean me. What ever happened to just playing outside? But I do know what the problem is. We experienced this last summer. So many kids have structured activities that if my kids go out to play there is no one to play with. I know the kids enjoy it. I know they will grow. I just think that with so much else they need to do, there is little enough time to finish their homework, science fair projects, chores, scouts, young women, or just play. Let alone stuff like going to the aquarium, or hiking, or visit family. How do you pick between good better and best activities when many of your choices are made for you? I guess that is how real life works.


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