Crow Family Happenings

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And so forth

Chinese new year goes on for 10 days. The last few days are less specific as far as what you do, but the extent of the celebration depends on your ability to stay away from your vocation. By now most businesses have reopened, and people are back at work.
Tonight the eldest daughter has her first meeting for softball. Pity she still feels sick. It is probably the flu. Her brother had it last week and I'm sure the germs are around the house. I may end up going without her just to make sure she still gets to be a part on the team.
Our pediatrician pointed out a phenomenon in "the South" that we had heard of but had never really seen. Most of the boys are kept from entering school until they are a year older than the girls. Even school teachers have said things to us like "little boys just aren't meant to be in school". As near as we can figure it, the intent is that they will be bigger than their peers when they get into sports. But the result is that since it is so common, that they turn out to be the same size afterall. So in my youngest boy's class several little boys are 6 already, or will turn 6 shortly. My boy won't be six until a few days into the next school year. Ultimately I'll have to decide what to do based on what is best for him, not based on my pride in his academic advancement at a young age or a desire that he excel in sports.


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