New Job
I have a job now. It involves travelling a bit more than I did before, but the important part is I have a job. I am working for a software company, installing, training, and consulting new clients on how to get the most out of their purchase. So far in May I will travel 9 out of 20 days, or 45% of the time. But that probably won't maintain itself.
Work progresses on the book. My wife is reviewing the first part and says she likes it so far, and is making lots of "corrections." It proves she loves me. I'll be looking for some others to read it to make sure I can actually write an interesting sentence or if I just think I can. And getting the opinion of someone who doesn't know the story already would be valuable.
My other blog has been getting more attention. The Mormon Times, sort of a online arm of Deseret News, posted a link to one of my posts and my traffic that day jumped 1300%. The Mormon online blogging community (called the Bloggernacle) is not that large, a couple hundred at most, but getting bigger quickly. The size of the readership is bigger but who knows by how much.
I'll be arriving back at home late tonight. It will be good to be home. I have really good kids and my wife obviously loves me. [Now, why was it I took a traveling job? Oh yeah, I need the money.]