I was recently laid off from work. My employer decided that in the current market that they could not compete with the low overhead the smaller boutique firm. So instead of even trying, they are walking away from an already established business. In the process my position became unnecessary. I was given two weeks notice and a small severance package.
So into the job market I went. It wasn't so bad really. Lots of phone calls, most to people I didn't know. Many online job applications. Most employers are only accepting the applications online nowadays. Some you can still wal into, but evn ten they direct you to a kiosk with a computer which connects to their internet site. Might as well be at home. A few called me back and scheduled interviews. So that is what the job search consisted of, phone calls, online applications followed by phone interviews.
A little over a week ago I had two face to face interviews. Both seemed to like me. Both called to say they wanted to move foward. One even said they wee going to make an offer, by today. The other said they were going to meet to decide if they were going to make an offer, today. And so I am dying under the anticipation of "what next?". I have a few things to do. But nothing seems to keep me busy enough to stop the "I'm gong crazy!" feeling.